

  1. Ma Feng, Wang Guiling, Zhu Xi, et al. Experimental study of the enhanced stimulation of a deep carbonate thermal reservoir in the Xiong'an New Area. Chinese Journal of Engineering, October 2022, Vol.44, No.10: 1789-1798.
  2. Ma Feng, Liu Guihong, Zhao Zhihong, et al. Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modeling on the Rongcheng Geothermal Field, China[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022,55:5209-5233. 
  3. Ma Feng, Wang GuiLing, Sun HongLi, et al. Indication of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes on the characteristics and circulation patterns of medium-low temperature geothermal resources in the Guanzhong Basin, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2022,10(1): 70-86.
  4. Ma Feng, Li Tingxin, Zhou Yun, Cai Jin, Cai Yongfeng. Paleoenvironment of Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang and Wumishan formations, North China: new insights from geochemistry, carbon and oxygen isotopes of dolostones. Minerals, 2022.1111.
  5. Wang Yinjing, Ma Feng*, Xie Heping , et al. Fracture Characteristics and Heat Accumulation of Jixianian Carbonate Reservoirs in the Rongcheng Geothermal Field, Xiong'an New Area[J]. 地质学报:英文版, 2021, 95(6):13.
  6. 马峰,王贵玲,张薇,等.雄安新区容城地热田热储空间结构及资源潜力[J].地质学报,2020,94(7),1981-1990. 
  7. 马峰,王贵玲,朱喜,等.古潜山热储开发对地面沉降的影响机制研究.中国地质.2020.48(1):40-51. 
  8. 马峰,王贵玲,魏帅超,等.2018 年地热勘探开发热点回眸[J].科技导报,2019(1):230-240. 
  9. 马峰,王贵玲,孙占学,等.利用测井资料获取松辽盆地深部热物性参数[J].地球学报,2019,40(2):350-360. 
  10. 吴爱民,马峰*,王贵玲,等.雄安新区深部岩溶热储探测与高产能地热井参数研究[J].地球学报,2018,39(05):14-23. 
  11. Guiling Wang,Wei Zhang,Feng Ma*,et al.Overview on hydrothermal and hot dry rock researches in China[J]. China Geology.2018:273−285.
  12. 马峰,孙红丽,蔺文静,甘浩男,王贵玲.中国EGS示范工程靶区选址与指标矩阵评价[J].科技导报,2015,33(8):41-46.
  13. 马峰,蔺文静,郎旭娟,朱喜,王贵玲.我国干热岩资源潜力区深部热结构[J].地质科技情报,2015.33(6):176-181.
  14. 马峰,王潇媛,王贵玲,蔺文静,李洪磊.浅层地热能与干热岩资源潜力及其开发前景对比分析[J].科技导报,2015.33(19):49-52.
  15. 王贵玲,马峰*,蔺文静,张薇.干热岩资源开发刚才储层激发研究进展[J].科技导报,2015,33(11):103-107.
  16. 孙红丽,马峰,刘昭,刘志明,王贵玲.西藏高温地热显示区氟分布及富集特征[J].中国环境科学,2015,35(1):251-259.
  17. 杜红莉,张薇,马峰,等.水力压裂支撑剂的研究进展[J].碳酸盐岩通报,2017,36(8): 2625-2630.
  18. Liu Guihong,Wang Guiling,Zhao Zhihong, Ma Feng. A new well pattern of cluster-layout for deep geothermal reservoirs: Case study from the Dezhou geothermal field, China[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020,155.






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