

黄冠星,男,三级研究员,博士生导师,自然资源部科技领军人才,地科院水环所地下水水质与污染机理方向学科带头人。先后荣获中国环境科学学会青年科学家奖(优秀奖,2020)、国际地球化学协会会刊Applied Geochemistry首届“Excellence in Review Award”2020)以及河北省环境科学学会环境科技创新人才金奖(2019)。先后入选河北省三三三人才工程第二层次(2018)和国土资源部杰出青年科技人才培养计划(2015)。合作发表论文70余篇;其中,以第一/通讯作者身份在Water ResearchGeodermaJournal of HydrologyJournal of Cleaner ProductionEnvironmental PollutionScience of the Total Environment等国际主流刊物上发表SCI论文近30篇。参编英文专著1部。授权国家发明专利2项。获省部级科技奖1项。目前兼任Frontiers in water 期刊编委以及International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 期刊客座主编。主要研究领域:地下水水质与污染调查研究、土壤-地下水系统砷的环境地球化学行为,以及地下水重金属污染修复等。


Huang, G.*, Pei, L., Li, L., Liu, C. Natural background levels in groundwater in the Pearl River Delta after the rapid expansion of urbanization, A new pre-selection method. Sci Total Environ. 151890, 2021.

Song, J., Huang, G.*, Han, D., Hou, Q., Gan, L., Zhang, M.. A review of reactive media within permeable reactive barriers for the removal of heavy metal(loid)s in groundwater: Current status and future prospect. J. Clean. Prod. 319, 128644, 2021.

Huang, G., Liu, C., Li, L., Zhang, F.*, Chen, Z. Spatial distribution and origin of shallow groundwater iodide in a rapidly urbanized delta: A case study of the Pearl River Delta. J. Hydrol. 585, 124860, 2020.

Huang, G., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, Z.* Groundwater is important for the geochemical cycling of phosphorus in rapidly urbanized areas: a case study in the Pearl River Delta. Environ. Pollut. 260, 114079, 2020.

Zhang, M., Huang, G.*, Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Wang, J. Distributions and origins of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium in various aquifers in an urbanized coastal area, south China. J. Hydrol. 582, 124528, 2020.

Hou, Q., Zhang, Q., Huang, G.*, Liu, C., Zhang, Y. Elevated manganese concentrations in shallow groundwater of various aquifers in a rapidly urbanized delta, south China. Sci Total Environ.701, 134777, 2020.

Zhang, F., Huang, G.*, Hou, Q., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q. Groundwater quality in the Pearl River Delta after the rapid expansion of industrialization and urbanization, Distributions, main impact indicators, and driving force. J. Hydrol.577, 124004, 2019.

Huang, G.*, Zhang, M.*, Liu, C., Li, L., Chen, Z.* Heavy metal(loid)s and organic contaminants in groundwater in the Pearl River Delta that has undergone three decades of urbanization and industrialization: Distributions, sources, and driving forces. Sci Total Environ. 635, 913-925, 2018.

Huang, G.*, Liu, C., Sun, J., Zhang, M., Jing, J., Li, L. A regional scale investigation on factors controlling the groundwater chemistry of various aquifers in a rapidly urbanized area: A case study of the Pearl River Delta. Sci Total Environ. 625, 510-518, 2018.

Huang, G., Guo, H., Zhao, J.*, Liu, Y., Xing, B*. Effect of co-existing kaolinite and goethite on the aggregation of graphene oxide in the aquatic environment, Water Research, 102, 313-320, 2016.

Huang, G.*, Chen, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, F., Wang, J., Hou, Q. Changes of arsenic fractionation and bioaccessibility in wastewater-irrigated soils as a function of aging: Influence of redox condition and arsenic load, Geoderma, 280, 1-7, 2016.